Valuation Analysis
Our team of dedicated valuation professionals provides a variety of comprehensive valuation services and analyses tailored to each client’s specific needs. Valuation services refer to the professional assessment and determination of the economic value of assets, businesses, securities, or other financial interests. An accurate, reliable, and supportable valuation is crucial in navigating the complexities of today’s financial landscape. We assist every client — whether business owner, investor, legal professional, or minority stakeholder — to make informed decisions by providing them with high-quality and detailed valuation reports.
Valuation services involve using various approaches and methodologies, including the income approach, market approach, and asset-based approach, to arrive at a fair and defensible value. The choice of valuation method depends on the nature of the asset or business being valued and the purpose of the valuation. Engaging qualified and experienced professionals is essential to ensure accurate and reliable valuation results. Our valuation professionals use a combination of quantitative analysis, market research, and industry knowledge to arrive at a comprehensive and defensible valuation.
Service Areas:
Our team has the experience, qualifications, and expertise to provide valuation services in a broad range of litigation and non-litigation matters, including the following:
Business Valuation: Determining the Fair Market Value (FMV) or fair value of a business for purposes such as mergers and acquisitions, selling or buying a business or partial interest, shareholder disputes, succession planning, and financial reporting. We often calculate the FMV for non-marketable (Private), non-controlling (Minority) interest, giving our clients an idea of what their business or shares of a business are worth under three different valuation approaches: Asset, Market, and Income Approach. We value businesses at all different life stages, whether your business is a startup or a mature business in the industry. Our valuation experts are members in good standing of the National Association of Certified Valuators.
Asset Valuation: Partnering with many different appraisers allows us to incorporate the value of specific assets such as real estate, equipment or inventory. We also can assess the value of intangible assets within a business, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and brand value.
Securities Valuation: Assessing the value of financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, and other securities for investors, financial reporting, and regulatory compliance.
Marital/Divorce Disputes: Serving as independent expert appointed by the Court to assist in settling complex valuation disputes and marital asset identification and division. We work with mediators to assist the divorcing couple with understanding personal income, alimony/palimony asset values and related matters. We work seamlessly by bringing in partners to assist in appraising assets such as motor vehicles, art collections, wine, specialty collectibles and related assets. We can also provide an independent value of the marital assets and income for one party in a divorce and will provide testimony to the Court to support our positions.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) Valuation: Determining the FMV of a company’s stock when establishing or updating an ESOP or for disputes related to ESOP ownership.
Tax Valuation: Assessing value for estate tax for estate planning, trust planning, gift tax, property tax, and other areas of tax.
Litigation Matters: We are a full-service economic firm, providing highly comprehensive and professional analyses, valuation reports, and expert testimony for attorneys throughout the United States. By specializing in litigation economics, we provide:
- forensic analysis,
- economic damage analyses,
- statistical research, and
- economic loss reports (including loss of profits and loss of value analysis).
We have the experience necessary to provide testimony and produce reports that summarize and present our high-level expert opinions and conclusions in a manner that is clear and easily understood. We are consistently retained by both plaintiff and defense attorneys and are well versed in the calculation of Fair Value, Fair Market Value, and presenting our findings in present value dollars.
Non-litigation Services: We also provide services to clients needing non-litigated work, including valuations for tax, estate, gifting, M & A, exit planning, and 409A valuations, as well as public policy analysis, contract negotiation assistance, data analytics, econometrics, and economic consulting.

- Valuation of a minority interest pursuant to shareholder oppression and tortious interference
- Valuation of a patent
- Valuation discount for a minority interest in real property related to a family gift
- Valuation of a key person discount
- Valuation of preferred shares
- Valuation of restricted shares / interests
- Valuation of non-voting, restricted securities
We also provide a variety of CLE classes for attorneys that are looking to get a better understanding of some of the specifics of valuations. Our CLE classes often lead to attorneys becoming not only more educated but more effective in cross-examining adversary valuation experts in future cases.