Class Action Discrimination Litigation

Resolution Economics has extensive experience performing statistical and economic studies in connection with claims of employment discrimination.

Our firm has provided consulting services and expert testimony in class-action, multi-plaintiff, and single-plaintiff matters alleging discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, and national origin/ethnicity related to recruitment and hiring, promotion, pay, termination, and other employment practices.

Class and Collective Action Litigation

Class and Collective Action Litigation under Title VII, ADEA, the Equal Pay Act, and other Statutes​

Resolution Economics assists clients at all stages of employment discrimination cases, including: class definition and notification, data discovery, early stage consulting, class certification, liability and merits, assessment of damages, and settlements and distribution. By combining advanced data analysis and statistical modeling methods with economic and social science principles, we are able to produce customized and dynamic analyses to address increasingly complex class action claims.

Government Investigations

Government Investigations — DOL, DOJ, EEOC

In recent years the DOL, the Department of Justice, and the EEOC have increased their focus on claims of discrimination in hiring, pay, and promotion. These government agencies will often allow a respondent to make its case in considerable detail before filing further charges. This potentially allows a resolution to be reached without the time and expense of further litigation. The types of studies appropriate for government agency investigations are often similar to those conducted for private class actions. Resolution Economics has routinely provided services to help clients navigate the investigatory landscape.

Workforce Representation and Labor Market Benchmark Studies

Workforce Representation and Labor Market Benchmark Studies

Resolution Economics assists companies in preparing workforce representation statistics and helps them understand those statistics in comparison to properly constructed benchmarks using the appropriate data sources. Whether evaluating representation internally or in external labor markets, it is critical to identify the correct benchmark. Using outdated or inaccurate benchmark statistics can misrepresent how a company internally and externally utilizes labor and may lead to goals that are unrealistic or unattainable. Our firm has helped hundreds of companies construct benchmarks that are reliable with respect to their industry, a particular job function, geographic region, etc.

Class Action Expert Witness Testimony

Expert Witness Testimony

Our experts have provided testimony in Federal Court, State Courts, and other forums. We are highly experienced and effective in providing credible testimony backed by clear and impactful trial exhibits.

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Our Team

Ali Saad, Managing Partner

Ali Saad

Managing Partner, Los Angeles

Richard Goldberg, Partner

Richard Goldberg

Partner, Charlotte & Los Angeles

Rick Holt, Partner

Rick Holt

Partner, Washington D.C.

Victoria A. Lipnic, Partner

Victoria A. Lipnic

Partner, Washington D.C.

Elaine Reardon, Partner

Elaine Reardon

Partner, Los Angeles

Paul White

Partner, Washington D.C.